Ronald 鄭嘉財 Zoom 職場生命見證
|Zoom Meeting
團契邀請 鄭嘉財Ronald弟兄於本星期六通過 Zoom與大家分享職場生命見證(Ronald是智集團理財有限公司的創辦人,是加拿大特許人壽保險師和特許財務顧問,他擁有加拿大工商管理學士學位WesternUniversity RichardIVEY工商管理碩士學位。在加拿大生活了20年之後,於2001年被調派到香港,出任一國際知名人壽保險國際有限公司的助理副總裁)若大家有興趣知道Ronald更多生命故事,請一同邀請你的朋友出席,歡迎轉發你朋友圈
Time & Location
2020年7月25日 上午7:30 – 上午9:00
Zoom Meeting
About the Event and Speaker
鄭嘉財先生Ronald, 智集團理財有限公司的創辦人,是加拿大特許人壽保險師和特許財務顧問。鄭先生擁有加拿大工商管理學士學位及Western University Richard IVEY工商管理碩士學位。在加拿大生活了20年之後,於2001年被調派到香港,出任宏利人壽保險國際有限公司的助理副總裁。
自1989年,鄭先生已開始從事財務策劃的工作,並曾在世界著名金融機構,如Prudential of America美國保德信金融集團和London Life倫敦人壽擔任領導及行政管理要職,更多次獲得保險及金融業界的管理獎項。
公司成立以來,一直獲得客戶的信任與支持。大部份員工在公司工作十年或以上。公司獲獎無數,不但獲得香港社會服務聯會頒發「連續十二年商界展關懷」,2017年獲得生活晴報頒發「最佳理財及理想生活策劃獎」;2018年得到香港認証中心頒發「香港傑出服務證書」和 香港中小型企業總商會頒發「最佳中小企業奬」。
Ronald Cheng, founder of Father Financial, is a Canadian Chartered Life Underwriter and Chartered Financial Consultant.
Ronald holds a Bachelor degree in Business Administration and is an EMBA from the Richard IVEY Business School, Western University in Ontario of Canada. After spending over 20 years in Canada, Ronald relocated to Hong Kong in 2001 as an Assistant Vice President with Manulife (International) Limited.
He started his financial planning practice since 1989 and assumed various leadership roles from middle to senior executive management positions with the reputable international financial institutions such as Prudential of America and London Life in Canada. Ronald has gained many quality awards from the insurance and financial sectors.
Practising financial planning over 30 years, Ronald set up Father Financial in 2004. He is experienced in wealth management and retirement planning; his team was often invited to share “One Belt One Road” opportunities and how to use limited fund to improve future retirement.
Since Father Financial sets up, the customers fully trust and support Ronald. Most staff have been working over 10 years. Father Financial gets many awards. Besides “Caring Company Awards” executive 12 years by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Father Financial won “The Best Financial Planning Award” by Mega Life in 2017, “Hong Kong Excellent Service Certificate” by Hong Kong Certification Centre and “Best SME’s Award” by HKGCSMB in 2018.
Ronald is Standing Committee of the National Committee of the CPPCC of Yunan County Yunfu City Guangdong Province. He concerns the development of China and Hong Kong and is active in different social services. For example, Ronald subsidizes students and farmers, expresses sympathy and improves economic development in Mainland for years. He also supports Christian Prison Pastoral Association Ltd. He is HPA of Fire Safety Ambassador of Wan Chai District, to support fire safety and promote fire prevention. He is also active in Lions Club and different charity organizations for social services.