FGB Holy Spirit Fire Journey: From East to West
|Location is TBD
Join us on the FGB Holy Spirit Fire Journey. Experience spiritual growth, fellowship, and blessings from Toronto to Seattle, igniting faith and unity among brothers.
Time & Location
2024年8月05日 上午9:00 – 2024年8月26日 下午1:00
Location is TBD
About the Event and Speaker
FGB Holy Spirit Fire Journey: From East Coast to West Coast; Spark! Can Liaoyuan
Join us for an inspiring and transformative journey as the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship (FGB) embarks on the Holy Spirit Fire Journey. This incredible trip will take us through key cities, spreading blessings and prayers, and fostering fellowship among brothers. From the bustling city of Toronto to the vibrant streets of Vancouver, this journey is designed to ignite the spirit and bring us closer together in faith.
Trip #1
August 9-11: Montreal:
August 9 (Friday):
- 2:00 PM: Depart from Toronto to Montreal.
- 8:00 PM: Arrive in Montreal.
August 10 (Saturday):
- 6:00 AM Departure: Ascend Mont Royal for shofar blowing, blessings, and prayers. Descend to St. Lawrence River for salt scattering, cleansing, and blessings.
- 9:30-11:30 AM: Breakfast and sharing session.
- 12:00-2:00 PM: Fellowship between Toronto brothers and local FGB members. Ideally at the same location, with a room if possible.
- 6:00-9:00 PM: Vision sharing session and dinner. Discuss how to become the happiest people on earth. Wives are welcome to invite their husbands.
August 11 (Sunday):
- 2:30-5:00 PM: Visit Living Water Spring, hoping to gather with Ling Liang Church.
- 6:00 PM: Farewell and blessings. Next meeting: September 7 in Toronto for "Jesus in the City".
Trip #2
August 16-20: Calgary
August 16 (Friday):
- Depart from Toronto to Calgary.
August 17 (Saturday):
- Morning: Ascend the mountain with FGB members for shofar blowing, blessings, and prayers.
- Breakfast: Fellowship and encouragement with Chinese brothers.
- 1:00-3:00 PM: Attend the Christian Carnival. FGB has a 30-minute slot for hymns, personal testimony, and calling.
- Evening: Vision sharing dinner. Local FGB brothers invite men, or wives invite their husbands, to discuss how to become the happiest men in the world.
August 18 (Sunday):
- Morning: Sunday worship at Brother Samuel Wong's church.
- Afternoon: Half-day tour of Banff.
August 19 (Monday):
- Invite FGB brothers from Alberta, Sask, and Winnipeg to meet and share in Calgary. Venue arranged by Tim Shum.
August 20 (Tuesday):
- Noon: Travel from Calgary to Toronto or Vancouver (If you continue the trip)
Trip #3
August 20-26: Vancouver
August 20 (Tuesday):
- Arrive in Vancouver. Tentative dinner appointment with Pastor Gideon Chiu arranged by David Tam.
August 21 (Wednesday):
- Meeting with Chinese FGB brothers in Vancouver for sharing and encouragement.
August 22 (Thursday):
- TBD. (Visit to Brother Burley Tse in Seattle has been cancelled. He and his wife will visit Vancouver on Saturday and return to Seattle on Sunday.)
August 23 (Friday):
- Visit relatives and friends to share the gospel.
August 24 (Saturday):
- Morning: Prayer session.
- Evening: FGB Vision Sharing Dinner. Brothers are invited to discuss how to become the happiest people in the world.
August 25 (Sunday):
- Morning: Worship at Pastor Gideon Chiu's church.
- Noon: Tentative lunch with Pastor Zhao.
August 26 (Monday):
- Return to Toronto.