Desmond Fu 符氣清 Zoom Event - July 18 (Sat)
Sat, Jul 18
|Zoom Meeting
團契邀請 遠在中東杜拜 Desmond Fu 符氣清弟兄於本星期六通過 Zoom 與大家分享職場生命見證(Desmond 现為香港商人团契board of director,早年曾担任國際著名跨國實業公司主管要職多年,他後期自己創業及神感動他全家搬到中國上海發展業務,近年更在中東社拜成立公司,预備福音由中國傳回耶路撒冷)歡迎邀請你的朋友参加
Time & Location
Jul 18, 2020, 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. EDT
Zoom Meeting
About the Event and Speaker
Bio of Desmond Fu
Mr. Fu began his career in the early 1980s when he practiced as a structure engineer. He started his career in the steel industry from 1985 and he spent the next 26 years in the industry. During this period, he has taken various technical and executive positions from Sales Engineer to General Manager, and then President and CEO.
Mr. Fu served as President of VSC Holdings Ltd. (Publicly listed steel company in Hong Kong) and CEO of (Publicity listed steel e-commerce company in Hong Kong) in the 2000s
Mr. Fu served as Managing Director of ArcelorMittal (China) Ltd. and Executive Director of Fletcher Challenge Steel Asia Ltd. in the 1990s
Mr. Fu currently is the CEO of Tetros Group, a corporate services and recruitment professional company
Mr. Fu was awarded B.Sc in Civil Engineering from University College London in 1980 with and M.Sc in E-Commerce from University of Hong Kong in 2005
符先生在2000年代担任万顺昌钢铁集团总裁(香港上市钢铁公司)和亚钢网香港上市钢铁电子商务公司 )的行政总裁